Freitag, 19. November 2010

SSC und BPO Sektor in Polen - Eine umfassende Studie des ABSL

Poland. When I met one of the local government representatives last year I showed him data on the number of people employed in our sector in his region. He was astonished, ”a few years ago there were only 200-300 people here!” he exclaimed in total amazement at the scale of the increase.

For a long time now, from different sources of information, people may have heard how strong and vivid the sector of SSC/BPO in Poland is, but until now we have been missing one complete study on what the market actually looks like.

When we established the Association of Business Service Leaders in May 2009, we set our goals and one of the most important was to prepare a consolidated report on the sector. I have the pleasure to present to you this study prepared by our group of experts in different specialties, who have focused on foreign owned services centres. 

Report prepared on the request of the Association of Business Service Leaders in Poland 
Association of Business Service Leaders in Poland (ABSL) is an organization representing the Shared Services Centres / Business Process Outsourcing (SSC/BPO) sector in Poland. ABSL was founded on the 21st of May 2009, on the initiative of the biggest companies in the sector. The Association was officially registered in October 2009. 

> Zum Download der Studie (via

Herzlichen Dank für die Übersendung der Studie an:
Joachim Blechstein
Member of the Board
Centrum Rozliczeń i Informacji CERI Sp. z o.o.
BRE Bank Group

Piotrkowska St 22, 95-070 Aleksandrow Lodzki
phone + 48 42 270 49 00, fax +48 42 270 49 03

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